29 Sept 2011

week 8--social CRM

when it comes to CRM(customer relationship management), there will be a concept in our my mind that building up relationship with cusotmers in person rather than via the way of social media. nowadays, most part of customers get involved with online stuff, what we need to do for dealing with customers is to keep in touch with the ways that cusotmers will use, like twitter, facebook, blog, email,ect. the impact of CRM through soical media at times is greater than in person of CRM, I suppose. if the problem or issue can be solved through email conversation, customers will earn lot more satisfaction than on the spot, which means save cusotmers plenty of time.

I also realize the different social media for different type of customers when it involves with customer relationship management.

the essence of sCRM is a tight cycle where critical elements like collective intelligence,customers, community, and customers can be divided into different group like self-service, community generated activity put into the cycle. every element can contribute to the relationship management, that's why the social CRM can have massive influence on business.

the way of sCRM on business will impact on the reputation, there is no doubt about it and it is one of strategy to marketing of one's marketing. most of time  keeping customers is much difficult than attracting new customers, I believe.

due to the wide spread of social media, business will adopt it to promote cutomers service, but a matter of fact that we lose the basic value of customer service, that's to ignore the actual exprience of the organization, instead, what we need to do is to employ both ways rather than focusing on soical media to promote customers service if we want, I suppose.

and blog is one of platforms to capture people's attention, but some of them does not do very well, which I think maybe due to the content they post does not fit the general concerns or lacks of using media toos like video clip or never allow people to make an cmment.

we might have received apologies about products or service or changes from the organization, but some make their apologies work as they truly listen what customer want rather than what the organization want to address to their customers, I always believe that customers is the support foundation of the organization, no matter what desicions the organization make must be depending on the perspective of customer.

the key word for google alert is social meida for blogs and I have been monitoring the information form my email for 3 weeks, I found that all the information was up-to dated, but they are not all blogs and most of them are some articles about social media.

there are three blog sites that I found differently. one is very good, the other is average and bad.

the good one:
the author try to make a response to those commenters and insert vedio clips that related to the topic, which I think it is pretty visual and attractive to make interaction with readers. one thing the blog do very well is that lot of readers will be willing to make comments on it.

the average one: http://thenextweb.com/asia/
it has wide variety of topics and readers can be made comments through facrbook and Twitter, but you cannot receive from the author.

the bad one: http://soshable.com/, the author of the blog never make response to their commenters which reduce the interaction and the the layout of the blog is too simple, it never use social media tools like vedio clip, and most of improtant thing is just few people make comments on that blog site,

10 Sept 2011

week 6--Nurturing a Social community to build deeper relationships

wide range of social media toos can be help us to build up deep relationship with customers when it come to busienss, we can use the google alert to search the thing we want, by using the twitter hashtags, we can be more easily to be recognised by others, try to make your topic as a trending topic so that tons of people can be coming across it. of course we can employ other research tools to get the community you build up in a more visible way. as myself, google plus sometimes can be regarded as a good way to set up a deeper relationship, circle group in google plus and blog content sharing, the former functions as a more interactive way to each others, while the latter one can be viewed as a source of what they think of it when posting their comments.

chanllenges facing marketers is very tricky as marketers need an insight of what consumers will be affected by social medias? some might not be easily influenced by some of soical medias, how are we going to disseminate the maekter message to consumers can be depends on the business you engege in, if you are doing business of selling easels you probabaly use flickr or other tools something like that to project your photos about easels as opposed to building up a interative group to discuss. another chanllenge could be how to use the combination of social medias in a consistent way, being attentively if all the messages you want to inform consumers through multi social medias are consistent.

 there is no doubt that social media is another marketing channel but the functions of social medias far exceeding the way of broadcast media and we should not just exploit the way broadcast media has been, instead social medias can affect my visual, hearing interactive way, sometimes can lead to consumer expectation. so we should be exploiting on more of ways rather than the only simple way of broadcast media.

The more social medias strategies you build up, especially the critical one, the more likely you have a deeper relationship with customers.

1 Sept 2011

week 5--Key Platforms

the brand that I would introduce is Zara


Zara is the flagship chain store of INDITEX Group owned by Spanish company, the first Zara store opened in 1975. And yet it is the biggest clothing company in Spain and the top three clothing in the global world. It owns more than 2000 chains stores in the world of 56 countries in terms of the scale of Zara’s business.

the channels Zara has been using as social media strategies like twitter, facebook, linkedin, blogger, flikr, youtube.

it builds up a facebook and twitter that consumers can have an overview of the store and release the up to dated information or pics for the recent season, some of video can be found in youtube or other mdias, and pictures can be shown in the album of its blog and use the flikr to show their pictures in the facebook or blog.
the way in the soica medias customers can more easily to communicate or connect with, some of feedback the organization can receive via those mdias as well, some of quesionnaire also can be conducetd through that, promoting by using the video of youtube to let consumers know what Zara has been doing, due to the qiack and fast change of clothes style every week, so these medias can be more critical for disseminating inormation and consumers can be more quickly to get the news released, it is sort of direct or indirect way to build up a close relationship with those who have been paying attention on Zara.

target market
the markets Zara pay attention to are those markets where have a good location, more prefer located in city center, or looking for a city that have a great economic competitive force or greater purchasing force. some of target markets for Zara apart from Spain, Like France, Italy, China, Japan, Germany, UK and so on. for those countries who get lot more stores than others.

Motivations for target markets
maybe some motivations to target these markets is due to the greater economic developing, and the barriers to enter into is very low and taxation would be that high, more inportantly, it is just due to the specific place for these markets have a geater purchasing force.